This special issue #34 of “Lexing Insights” focuses on the Lexing® World Conference that was held on 8 June 2022 on “AI and Metaverse”.
Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse: Legal Aspects
During the conference, the network members first analyzed the European and global framework for Artificial Intelligence, with focus on the draft European Regulation that aims to ensure trustworthy AI. Then they reviewed the metaverse, this new parallel universe whose nature and content are still unclear, but which already raises multiple legal and ethical issues, and discussed the relevance of a metaverse law.
In conjunction with this world conference, in person and/or online regional conferences dedicated to the state of the law on AI, metaverse, robots, or personal data at regional or local level from the United States to Japan via Europe and Africa were also organized by the network members .
This issue of the Lexing Insights contains key insights and highlights from these events:
- –South Africa: the “Lexverse” Conference about digital, data and emerging technologies
- –AI and data protection in Australia – recent developments
- –Autonomous cars and discrimination: IA systems providers between the hammer and the anvil
- –Comparative review of key aspects of Chinese PIPL and European GDPR
- –Spain: Local Metaverse Conference Review
- –Metaverse: What Regulation? U.S. Laws and Regulation by Speculation
- –AI: European regulation is taking shape
- –Competitive entertainment in the metaverse
- –Data Protection in Japan Some Key Features
The following countries have contributed to this issue: Australia, Belgium, China, France, Greece, Japan, South Africa, Spain, United States.
Lexing International Newsletter “Lexing Insights” No. 34 – October 2022