Les membres du réseau Lexing® se retrouveront, du 1er au 3 juin 2016, à Shanghai, pour leurs 6èmes Conférences-débats, dans le cadre desquelles ils rencontreront les clients du cabinet Jade & Fountain, à l’occasion d’un événement exceptionnel, auquel assisteront des avocats venant de tous les continents […]
The Lexing® members will meet in Shanghai, from June 1st to June 3rd 2016, for their 6th annual conferences where they will meet with the Jade & Fountain law firm invited customers during an exceptional event gathering together the network’s lawyers coming from all over the world.
Embracing A World With Robots
With the development of industrial automation and computer technology, robots started to enter the stage of mass production and practical application since the 1960s. In China and in the rest of the world, many job positions have been taken over by industrial robots, service robots. We can see robots are no longer simple automatic machines but good helpers in many fields. A number of legal issues come up with the fast development of robot industry with the legislation lagging behind.
At this upcoming annual conference, Lexing members from 20 jurisdictions will meet in Shanghai to discuss and exchange views about the latest legal issues on robotics and other related areas.