Lexing Brazil recognised by Leaders League
The Lexing network is pleased to announce that Lexing Brazil has been widely recognised for its expertise and prominence in 7 key areas of law in the 2024 Brazilian rankings of Leaders League, a leading international rating agency for lawyers.
We are proud to announce that our Lexing network member for Brazil, Mansur Murad Advogados, has been distinguished in the following areas:
- Data Protection;
- Artificial Intelligence;
- Fashion Law;
- Blockchain & Cryptocurrency;
- Trademark Prosecution;
- Trademark Litigation;
- Patent Prosecution.
Lexing Brazil team honoured
We would like to extend our warmest congratulations to Flavia Masur Murad and the entire Lexing Brazil team.
Our advice:
About Lexing®
The Lexing® network currently consists of about 40 members on all 5 continents. Created on an initiative of Alain Bensoussan, it allows multinationals to benefit from the assistance of seasoned lawyers worldwide with established competence in the field of new technologies in their respective countries. Lexing® lawyers share a common approach across the network that ensures they work seamlessly together to provide clients with a global, tailor-made solution consistent with the legal rules of all countries.
Contact: Frédéric Forster
Mob: +33 (0)6 13 28 96 78
Email: frederic-forster@lexing.law