Digital Africa: A continent on the Rise
The international Lexing network has just published the latest issue of its bilingual newsletter “Lexing Insights“.
In issue 40, members of the network look at “Data protection in Africa“.
Click here to read this issue!
Our advice:
About Lexing®
The Lexing® network currently consists of about 40 members on all 5 continents. Created on an initiative of Alain Bensoussan, it allows multinationals to benefit from the assistance of seasoned lawyers worldwide with established competence in the field of new technologies in their respective countries. Lexing® lawyers share a common approach across the network that ensures they work seamlessly together to provide clients with a global, tailor-made solution consistent with the legal rules of all countries.
Contact: Frédéric Forster
Mob: +33 (0)6 13 28 96 78