Beatrice specializes in intellectual property law, e-commerce and marketing, IT contracts, telecom, and privacy.
She regularly assists national and international clients with legal advice and litigation assignments in these areas.
Beatrice has among other things, experience in assessing copyright issues and the use of protected material on the Internet, registration and enforcement of trademark rights, design of marketing and terms of use, preparation of contracts, and implementation of projects for compliance with privacy
Expériences professionnelles
2021-Present Senior Associate, Advokatfirmaet Føyen AS
2019-2020 Senior Associate, Advokatfirmaet Føyen Torkildsen AS
2018-2019 Associate, Advokatfirmaet Føyen Torkildsen AS
2015-2018 Associate, Gram, Hambro & Garman Advokatfirma AS
2014 Trainee, Advokatfirmaet Schjødt AS
2012-2013 Work group leader, the Faculty of Law, University of Bergen
- Actifs numériques (NFT, blockchain, cryptomonnaies, ICO)
- Blockchain et cryptomonnaies
- Communications électroniques
- Cybersécurité et brèches de sécurité
- Droit pénal numérique
- Intelligence artificielle
- Métavers
- NewSpace
- Propriété intellectuelle et industrielle
- Protection des données et Vie privée
- Technologies de l’information et médias
Diplômes et titres académiques
- Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Intellectual Property & the Digital Economy, University of Glasgow (2015)
- Master of laws, University of Bergen (2015)