SCPA IKT & Associés or IKT Law Firm is registered at the Bar of Côte d’Ivoire since January 2009.
Mr. Osther Tella, Mr. Hermann Kouao and Ms. Annick Imboua-Niava the founders, have each at least twenty years of professional experience. The law practice is business law and corporate law oriented with a strong emphasis on international transactions.
- Financing of Radisson BLU Hotel Abidjan – Côte d’Ivoire
Assistance to the African Export-Import Bank (“Afreximbank”) as Refinancing Bank and to BGFIBank Côte d’Ivoire as Construction Bank in the framework of the financing of the construction project of the “Radisson” hotel in Abidjan with the promoter Koira Hotel Investment.
- Diverse assistance in infrastructure financing
- Diverse assistance to telecommunication companies on telecommunication law and Data protection
Annick Imboua-Niava is involved in artistic activities and the promotion of art critics.
Expériences professionnelles
Member of the Zonta Club of Abidjan, part of the Zonta International in the US
Member and President of the DPO association of Côte d’Ivoire ( AICDP)
- Actifs numériques (NFT, blockchain, cryptomonnaies, ICO)
- Blockchain et cryptomonnaies
- Communications électroniques
- Cybersécurité et brèches de sécurité
- Droit pénal numérique
- Intelligence artificielle
- Métavers
- NewSpace
- Propriété intellectuelle et industrielle
- Protection des données et Vie privée
- Technologies de l’information et médias
Diplômes et titres académiques
- LLM ’06 University of Pittsburgh
- Master Degree University of Poitiers
- Master Degree University of Strasbourg