Chukwuyere is a member of the Firm’s Corporate Commercial Group where he heads the Telecoms, Media, and Technology (TMT) Practice. Chukwuyere is a subject matter expert on substantive issues of competition law and TMT law. He assists clients by providing strategic legal advice and designing programmes to ensure compliance with their obligations under competition law and in the TMT industry.
Chukwuyere is a recommended lawyer in Telecoms, Media and Entertainment in Nigeria 2024 by Lexology’s Who’s Who Legal, an international ranking organisation for the legal industry.
- Actifs numériques (NFT, blockchain, cryptomonnaies, ICO)
- Blockchain et cryptomonnaies
- Communications électroniques
- Cybersécurité et brèches de sécurité
- Droit pénal numérique
- Intelligence artificielle
- Métavers
- NewSpace
- Propriété intellectuelle et industrielle
- Protection des données et Vie privée
- Technologies de l’information et médias
Diplômes et titres académiques
- University of Hannover (LL.M)
- Strathclyde University (LL.M exchange programme)
- Nigerian Law School (B.L)
- University of Benin (LL. B)
Ses dernières actualités
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