Raffaele Zallone is the founder of the Zallone Law Firm, which he set up after having been IBM Italy’s General Counsel. He specialises in Data Protection, IT contract (Outsourcing, Software development, SAAS, etc), e-commerce, digital transformation and Artificial Intelligence. Raffaele Zallone is one of the founding members of Lexing.
Raffaele Zallone is a Support Expert, European Data Protection Board (2022).
Raffaele Zallone supports customers in implementing new technologies and in the digital transformation required by an everchanging business environment.
- Legal assistance in GDPR Compliance;
- Definition of corporate policies and procedures;
- Deployment of education programs;
- Auditing and review of legal programs;
- Assisting customers in litigation with the Italian Garante;
- Managing compliance programs of large customers;
- Assistance in negotiation with vendors and data processors;
- Assistance in the implementation of A.I programs;
- Assistance in setting up Whistleblowing programs and procedures.
Expériences professionnelles
General Counsel, IBM Nordics
General Counsel, IBM Italy
- Actifs numériques (NFT, blockchain, cryptomonnaies, ICO)
- Blockchain et cryptomonnaies
- Communications électroniques
- Cybersécurité et brèches de sécurité
- Droit pénal numérique
- Intelligence artificielle
- NewSpace
- Propriété intellectuelle et industrielle
- Protection des données et Vie privée
- Technologies de l’information et médias
Diplômes et titres académiques
- University of Bari, Degree in law, with honors
Activités au sein de l’Ordre
- 2022 - à ce jour : Support Expert, European Data Protection Board