Janice Mulligan is a California attorney, expert witness and consultant on issues related to California privacy laws and the intersection of health care and technology.
Janice is a member of the international Lexing® network of attorneys, headquartered in Paris, France.
Janice Mulligan enjoys strategic planning and implementation involving cutting edge issues relating to the intersection of health care and technology. Such issues include Telemedicine/Telehealth, big health data, Artificial Intelligence (including ChatGPT) and the Medical Metaverse. Janice also has experience in California privacy laws, which serve as the gold standard for the United States.
Janice is an experienced trial lawyer in litigation arising out of health law issues including medical malpractice, medical fraud, class actions and health data privacy breaches. While representing consumers, she also served as an adjunct professor at the University of California San Diego, frequently lecturing on medical ethics and Telemedicine/Telehealth.
Diplômes et titres académiques
- University of San Diego School of Law
- Trial Lawyers College
- Pepperdine School of Law Strauss Institute for Dispute Resolution
Activités au sein de l’Ordre
- Center for International Legal Studies - NGO delegate to the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
- Trial Lawyers College, Instructor
- Immediate past-President of UIA Health Law Commission and continuing to serve as Vice-President of this Commission
- Past Chair, ABA TIPS Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Committee
- Past Chair, ABA Standing Committee on Medical Professional Liability
USA : quelles conséquences de la future présidence Trump pour le droit de l’IA ?
La désinformation dans le secteur de la santé : enjeux et solutions
Vidéo : suivez l’actualité en matière de protection des données aux Etats-Unis
Décision d’adéquation pour les USA : le calme avant la tempête ?
Première sanction en vertu du “California Consumer Privacy Act” (CCPA)
1ère Conférence régionale France/Belgique/