Our network offers tailor-made legal solutions to any IT service provider (developer, network manager, IT manager …)
Our network has a strong reputation in IT services and electronic communications. Lexing has built its reputation by supporting and even managing a large number of IT deployment and digital transition projects, on both the customer and service provider sides.
Our lawyers’ long experience and specialization enable them to know and understand the strategic issues, technical constraints, the various players involved, the complexity of the markets and the day-to-day reality of companies specializing in IT.
Legal competence is not enough: our lawyers also have the technical expertise required to handle this type of case.
On this basis, Lexing offers flexible legal solutions tailored to your needs and resources.
We meet all your legal needs
We offer a full range of legal services, including:
- legal risk assessment, contractual arrangements and assistance in managing your projects;
- assistance in drafting tender documents, selecting and negotiating with bidders;
- assistance in managing the contract portfolio;
- protection of your IT innovations (patents, copyright, non-disclosure clauses);
- the legal aspects of distributing your products and services;
- drafting licensing contracts;
- supporting the setting up of partnerships (R&D, distribution, subcontracting);
- data protection / privacy;
- checking compliance with sector regulations.
We intervene at the consulting stage, but also at the litigation stage. In order to provide you with the most effective solution, we propose to substitute arbitration, collaborative law or mediation for legal proceedings when this is the most appropriate method of resolution for your case and when confidential negotiation has failed.
Our expert lawyers
Choose your lawyer from our team of creative lawyers who understand your business:
Training 02 January 2014 from 00:00 to 00:00
Cybersecurity and Big Data and the Internet of Things – Sion 2014
Training 28 February 2013 from 00:00 to 00:00
Privacy policy – Palo Alto 2013
The Lexing® network informs you
The Lexing® network informs you
The Lexing® network informs you
NIS Directive: finally transposed into Belgian law!
Copyright: the new directive is coming (at last)!
The Lexing® network informs you