Cybersecurity and security breaches

Cyberspace is the virtual communication space in which cybersecurity and cyberdefense law are embedded. Cyberspace has become the fifth field of conflict after land, sea, air and space.

The need for global security for citizens and businesses is also leading to an increase in controls, and therefore a possible violation of individual freedoms. This is why it is essential to provide a legal framework for all cybersecurity and cyber-defense initiatives.

Cybersecurity law addresses all the risks and deliberate threats of human origin that are liable to damage a company’s various assets (technological, scientific, economic, image). Cybersecurity is the search for a state of an information system that enables it to withstand events in cyberspace likely to compromise the availability, integrity or confidentiality of the data stored, processed or transmitted, and the related services that these systems offer or make accessible. Cybersecurity therefore calls on information systems security techniques, and relies on the fight against cybercrime and the implementation of cyberdefense.

Cyberdefense law extends the scope of security requirements imposed on operators of essential services (OSEs), who must take the necessary technical and organizational measures, proportionate and adapted to the management of risks threatening the security of networks and information systems essential to the maintenance of critical economic and social activities. Attacks on information systems and networks are increasingly targeted and complex, and are made possible by the use of technology.

Companies must take cybersecurity risk into account. To do so, companies must implement a specific watch to identify cyberthreats to their activities. Only then will management be able to anticipate and react to the various cyber threats to their business.

The network’s cybersecurity and cyberdefense services cover the following areas:


The missions we carry out are designed to enable you to develop risk anticipation and analysis:

definition of monitoring and anticipation plans for cyber threats ;
identify operating methods for collecting, analyzing, enhancing, disseminating and protecting strategic business information.

Depending on your field of activity, your strategic intelligence plan and your needs, we work with a network of specialized business intelligence correspondents.

Analyze and assess

The aim of risk assessment is to enable you to define or adapt your global cybersecurity strategy to the risks and vulnerabilities relating to your company’s technological, scientific and economic assets, strategic data and corporate image.

It includes the following services

flash audit of global security risks ;
flash audit of Cyber risks and threats;
risk mapping with prior validation of global security issues for the company;
alerts and recommendations by sector;
cyber risk targeting notes;
implementation and maintenance of a security vulnerability register.

Sustaining and strengthening

Missions include :

defining a company’s business intelligence policy;
defining an information systems governance charter;
defining the company’s global security policy;
analysis, identification and prioritization of security risks;
definition and implementation of training and cyber-risk awareness policies for all company personnel;
auditing contracts with designers of IT products and information systems to ensure that they have taken security issues into account from the outset of their development.


This involves taking all kinds of legal action in the event of infringement or violation of the company’s technological, scientific or economic assets via its networks and information systems.

We assist companies in all business sectors seeking redress for breaches of their information systems of all kinds, whether technological, governance, management or compliance-related, as well as taking advantage of the growing importance of international and European standards.