The members of our team support artificial intelligence players (AI departments, technology companies, AI solution providers and publishers, data players, educational establishments, research laboratories, creators…) as well as all public and private entities, across all sectors, in implementing their projects to integrate AI into their business strategy.
Today, AI is everywhere, and its day-to-day benefits no longer need to be demonstrated: prediction, guidance, recommendation, diagnostics, security, access to education and training, advances in health and medicine, task automation, productivity gains…
On the other hand, the emergence of algorithmic technologies is accompanied by growing concerns about their possible undesirable effects for individuals: transparency, traceability, control of learning and evolution by data, reliability, bias, security and confidentiality.
From this point of view, with the emergence of the most powerful generative AIs and the dazzling success of ChatGPT, a new stage has unquestionably been reached.
Hence the importance of devising a strategy for regulating AI not only through ethics, but also through the law. And to set up a genuine legal ecosystem specific to algorithms.
Worldwide, a movement is taking shape to create a trustworthy artificial intelligence. Europe is launching an unprecedented legislative package: With the Digital Service Act at the forefront, several directives and regulations are on the drawing board in Brussels. For the first time, the EU is preparing to draw the boundaries of what is acceptable for our democratic societies.
As a forerunner in the advanced technology sector, ten years ago the network launched a department dedicated to the law of robotics and artificial intelligence, anticipating the legal recognition of a new technological revolution at least as important as computers and the Internet were in the 20th century.
Ten years on, the development of robotics has led to the establishment of a dedicated legal framework, the fruit of legislative and regulatory standards, but also of “soft law”, sometimes scattered, often sector-specific, which has the merit of “showing the way” to an industry waiting for legal and ethical solutions, and to users of connected objects who wish to be reassured above all about the use made of their personal data.
Our expert lawyers
Choose your lawyer from our team of creative lawyers who understand your business:
Lexing Insights #41 – Highlights of the 2024 Lexing Conference on Generative AI for Lawyers
Training 05 November 2024 from 09:00 to 17:30
Generative AI for Lawyers – Paris 2024
Elections Have Consequences: Disruption is on the Horizon in the U.S.
Lexing Global Conference: “Generative AI for Lawyers and Legal Experts”
Lexing Brazil recommended in the Leaders League 2024 ranking
UK: AI Hallucination Risk for Legal Sector (Harber v HMRC)
The Lexing® network informs you
Training 08 June 2022 from 09:30 to 12:30
Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse : Legal aspects – Metaverse 2022
Training 14 June 2018 from 08:00 to 17:30
Artificial Intelligence and Law – Paris 2018
Training 01 June 2016 from 00:00 to 00:00
Embracing a world with robots – Shanghai 2016
Training 11 June 2015 from 09:30 to 17:30
Robots: evolution or revolution? – Paris 2015
1st Lexing Network Regional Conference France/Belgium/
Luxembourg/Switzerland -
1st Lexing Network World Conference: Wednesday, 8 June 2022
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The Lexing® network informs you
Lexing International Conference 2018 on Artificial Intelligence and Law: a summary
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