Thanks to their expertise in criminal law and criminal procedure, the members of the Lexing network can assist and defend you, whether you are a plaintiff or a defendant, in your litigation under digital criminal law.
The Lexing network also includes numerous experts in public law, providing valuable complementarity and comprehensive skills in cross-sectional litigations.
The Lexing network services include:
Criminal liability of legal entities
- principle of legal personality;
- defense of the legal person;
- determination of competent bodies and representatives;
- management of cumulative liability.
Criminal business law
- theft;
- scam,
- breach of trust;
- corruption;
- favoritism;
- embezzlement of public funds;
- forgery and falsification;
- violation of the secrecy of correspondence;
- breach of trade secret.
- unauthorized access to IT systems;
- data theft;
- online identity theft;
- Internet scams (phishing, CEO fraud);
- breach of email privacy;
- counterfeiting of copyright, trademark, domain name, software;
- breach of personal data protection laws (including failure to comply with data security obligations, failure to respect the rights of data subjects).
Press offenses
- protection of the reputation of local and regional governmental authorities, persons holding public authority or entrusted with a public service task, and public bodies, where they are victims of defamation, insult or smear campaign whether in the press (print media, radio, TV) or online.
Criminal employment law
- breach of rules on health and safety at work;
- hindering the actions of staff representative bodies and trade unions;
- discrimination;
- moral and sexual harassment;
- prevention of psychosocial risks;
- offenses related to illegal work (illegal subcontracting of labor, illegal supply of employees, undeclared work, violation of rules on temporary work);
- breach of professional secrecy.
General criminal law
- defense of persons holding public authority or entrusted with a public service task against incivilities or assaults;
- defense against attacks on the property of public companies: destruction, degradation or deterioration of all or part of their assets.
Criminal procedure
The Lexing network members help and represent clients at every step of the procedure before criminal courts:
- technical analysis of the facts;
- management of evidence;
- simple complaint and follow up of the preliminary investigation;
- complaint with civil party petition and follow up of the investigation procedure;
- actions (whether as plaintiff or defendant) before competent courts.